A couple of people have asked, and the answer is, I am not taking part in Somerset Open Studios this year.
My own studio is much more mobile, so is not suited to be a venue. I’ve managed to reduce my equipment down to a few boxes and I am planning to move around in the next year, hoping to get out and about, around Somerset and the South West.
I may take part in a local Christmas Fayre, more about that when I have details.
I plan to do a workshop in Wells next year. Probably just one.
I may do an occasional art/craft fair.
I plan to focus on printmaking, mainly reduction linocut prints.
I’ll be running a one day “Introduction to Linocut” workshop, in Wells, on Saturday 11th August 2018 from 10am to 4pm.
It is the only workshop I will run this year and will be limited to a maximum of five participants. As a beginner’s workshop the focus is on helping you to get started and giving you enough information and experience to carry on with linocut after the event. I’ll be showing you a method you can use at home, without the need for a press or too much expensive equipment.
The workshop will include demonstrations followed by practical hands-on experience and experimentation with tools and techniques to create your own unique linocut print. Mark-making is incredibly important in linocut, so there will be time to learn on a practice piece before moving onto working on your design. The tools are sharp, so I will teach you about safety too.
I always like it when people bring their own ideas/subjects to the workshop. It is amazing how diverse people’s interests are and it always makes for some lively conversations during the day.
If you subscribe to my newsletter I can send you emails relating to workshops, exhibitions, new work and work in progress, anything relating to my linocut printmaking.
I’m running a multicolour linocut print workshop, on Saturday 13th May 2017, in Wells. This is a follow on from the Linocut for Beginners workshop that I run. The focus is on learning more advanced registration techniques and processes for making multi-colour prints with accurate registration at home, without the need for a press. It will not focus on mark making or cutting. The aim is for each participant to cut two blocks and use these to make a two colour print. The technique used will allow you to make prints with more than two colours, as many as you want.
All tools and equipment required are provided for use on the day and you will be able create your own unique 2 colour print. There is a maximum of 4 participants to ensure individual attention.
The workshop will start promptly at 10am and finish around 4pm. The cost is £55.00.
By popular demand I’ll be running two more workshops in Wells, Somerset.
On Saturday 1st of April it will be a beginners workshop, for people who want to try out a new craft. This is a chance to learn the basics of linocut, mark-making, transferring designs, inking and printing.
Then, on Saturday 13th May I’ll run a Multicolour Linocut workshop as a follow-on to the introductory workshops.
This second one will be an opportunity to learn how to make multiple-block prints with as many colours as you like. On the day I’m determined that we’ll manage two colours. The focus is not on mark-making, but on registration and the different techniques you can use to create multiple colour prints with perfect registration.